Convert ISO to DMG

Salvador Guerrero
2 min readJul 17, 2019


$ hdiutil convert iso_filename.iso -format UDRW -o dmg_out_name

Have you ever downloaded an ISO and wanted to convert it to DMG? How you do it is relatively easy, the hard part is to remember where to run it and the command name and the parameters.

Why would you need a DMG in the first place? DMG are Apple Disk Images, the only reason I have ever converted ISO images to DMGs is to clone them into an SDCard.

Okay, enough talk, open the terminal ⌘ + SPACE type terminal, hit the return keyboard key, the terminal opens, if you recently downloaded the ISO file and you didn’t move it anywhere it’s probably in your Downloads folder, now type cd ~/Downloads and hit return, this will take you directly to your Downloads folder, now type hdiutil convert iso_filename.iso -format UDRW -o dmg_out_name where iso_filename.iso is the name of your downloaded ISO file and dmg_out_nam is the output name, then hit return, it will convert iso_filename.iso to a read/write DMG image to the given output name dmg_out_name, it will take a while depending on the size of the ISO.

hdiutil converting slax iso to dmg

UDRW means UDIF read/write image, take a look at the below list for more formats.

• UDRW - UDIF read/write image
• UDRO - UDIF read-only image
• UDCO - UDIF ADC-compressed image
• UDZO - UDIF zlib-compressed image
• ULFO - UDIF lzfse-compressed image (OS X 10.11+ only)
• UDBZ - UDIF bzip2-compressed image (Mac OS X 10.4+ only)
• UDTO - DVD/CD-R master for export
• UDSP - SPARSE (grows with content)
• UDSB - SPARSEBUNDLE (grows with content; bundle-backed)
• UFBI - UDIF entire image with MD5 checksum
• UDRo - UDIF read-only (obsolete format)
• UDCo - UDIF compressed (obsolete format)
• RdWr - NDIF read/write image (deprecated)
• Rdxx - NDIF read-only image (Disk Copy 6.3.3 format; deprecated)
• ROCo - NDIF compressed image (deprecated)
• Rken - NDIF compressed (obsolete format)
• DC42 - Disk Copy 4.2 image (obsolete format)

If you would like to know more about hdiutil go to your terminal and type man hdiutil or hdiutil help.



Salvador Guerrero
Salvador Guerrero

Written by Salvador Guerrero

Computer Science Engineer, Cross-Platform App Developer, Open Source contributor. 🇲🇽🇺🇸

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